how to deal with poor dust removal of electrostatic gun | shanghai sosin electronics-国际云顶yd4008

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how to deal with poor dust removal of electrostatic gun
release time: 2018-05-31views: 455

how to deal with poor dust removal of electrostatic gun

many people only know the electrostatic gun, but they don’t know what the electrostatic gun does. in fact, we can roughly understand from the literal meaning that the electrostatic gun is a device for eliminating static electricity. in particular, it can produce a large amount of air flow with positively and negatively charged ions, which can be blown out by compressed air at high speed, and can neutralize the charge on the object. when the charge on the surface of the object is negative, it will attract the positive charge in the air flow. when the charge on the surface of the object is positive, it will attract the negative charge in the air flow, so that the static electricity on the surface of the object is neutralized to achieve the purpose of eliminating static electricity. the high-speed compressed gas can also blow away the stubborn dust on the object. the static electricity on the surface of the object is eliminated, and naturally the dust in the air will not be adsorbed.

in the process of using the electrostatic gun, we often encounter the poor dust removal effect of the electrostatic gun. in fact, most of this situation is due to the neglect of some precautions for the use of the equipment itself in the process of using the electrostatic gun, resulting in the use of misunderstandings. therefore, it is important for us to pay more attention to the precautions for the use of the electrostatic gun when using the electrostatic gun, today, i will tell you about the precautions for the use of electrostatic guns

electrostatic gun dedusting is mainly to combine the static electricity on the surface of product objects through ionic wind, eliminate their adsorption force caused by static electricity, and finally achieve the purpose of dedusting. many users do not understand this principle, and adjust the air pressure to the maximum or even limit. in this way, because the wind speed is too fast and rubs against the product surface, not only the effect of removing static electricity is not good, but also the effect of dedusting is not ideal, which is generally suitable at 0.4mpa, there is also too much humidity in the compressed air, so it is not dried. when small particles of dust encounter moisture, they stick more firmly to the surface. at this time, it is difficult to achieve the ideal effect of dust removal by using electrostatic gun alone. purification treatment must be done, which undoubtedly increases the production cost.

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